1. Walkabout Camp Woodbine, GA
July 18-19 (Thu-Fri)
It's been quite an eventful 2 days! Got a late start on Thursday. What's new? Left Eustis around 4:30 pm and got to Walkabout Camp about 8. Made a couple of stops on the way, fueled up at a truck stop and grabbed some dinner. Thankfully, we had a pull-through site, so we didn't have to back in.
The camp was very cute and had all the amenities: pool, tiki bar (sadly, for Steve, it wasn't open that day), laundry facilities, public showers, gym, large dog park, and a petting zoo, to boot! Goats, chickens, and a pony named "Hulk". Oh, and they also sold farm fresh eggs! Steve enjoyed a few hours at the pool in spite of 91 degree temps and humidity. Emme was a trooper. We feel so blessed to share this experience with her and with you all. Much love to our friends and family!
PS Don't forget to look for SloMo the Sloth in some of the pictures! 🦥
The chicken coop sign says: "Chickens, the pet that poops breakfast"
Emme meeting a gaggle of goats!